Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, or TABS, is a unique and entertaining strategy game that challenges players to create armies and battle against opponents. The game’s physics-based mechanics and humorous graphics make for an enjoyable and engaging experience. If you’re a fan of strategy games or looking for a fun and lighthearted game to play, then you should definitely download Totally Accurate Battle Simulator.



Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (TABS) is a physics-based strategy game developed and published by Landfall Games. The game is set in various historical time periods, and players are tasked with creating armies to battle against opponents. The game features a unique and humorous art style, with intentionally exaggerated and cartoonish graphics.

In the game’s campaign mode, players progress through a series of levels, each with their own unique objectives and challenges. The player’s objective is to defeat the opposing army using their own army, which can consist of various units, such as swordsmen, archers, and cavalry. Each unit has its own strengths and weaknesses, and players must strategically place their units on the battlefield to gain the upper hand.

In addition to the campaign mode, TABS also features a sandbox mode, where players can create custom battles and experiment with different unit combinations. This mode allows players to test out new strategies and see how different units interact with each other.


One of the unique features of TABS is its physics-based gameplay. The game’s units move and attack based on physics calculations, which can lead to unexpected and humorous outcomes. For example, a group of cavalry charging into a group of enemies may result in both armies being thrown into the air, creating chaos and hilarity.

TABS also includes a wide variety of different units and weapons, each with their own unique abilities and behaviors. Players can unlock new units and weapons as they progress through the game, providing a sense of progression and variety.

Overall, Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is a unique and entertaining game that offers a fresh take on the strategy genre. Its humorous graphics and physics-based gameplay make for a fun and engaging experience that is sure to keep players entertained for hours.

How to play

  1. Start the game and select either the campaign or sandbox mode from the main menu.
  2. In the campaign mode, select the level you want to play. In sandbox mode, you can create your own custom battle by selecting units and placing them on the battlefield.
  3. Once you’re in the battle, you’ll see your army on one side of the screen and the opposing army on the other side. You can use the mouse to scroll around the battlefield and get a better view of the action.
  4. To select a unit, click on its icon in the unit menu on the right side of the screen. You can then place the unit on the battlefield by clicking where you want it to go.
  5. Repeat step 4 to add more units to your army. You can mix and match different units to create a diverse and effective army.
  6. Once you’ve placed all of your units, click the start button to begin the battle.
  7. During the battle, your units will automatically move and attack based on the physics calculations in the game. You can use the mouse to scroll around the battlefield and get a better view of the action.
  8. You can also use the mouse to zoom in and out, which can be helpful for getting a closer look at the units and their movements.
  9. Keep an eye on the health bars above each unit. Once a unit’s health bar reaches zero, that unit is defeated and can no longer participate in the battle.
  10. The battle ends when all of the units on one side have been defeated. If your army wins, you’ll progress to the next level in the campaign mode. If you’re playing in sandbox mode, you can reset the battle and try out different unit combinations.



  1. Experiment with different unit combinations: One of the most fun aspects of TABS is trying out different unit combinations to see what works best. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different units to create a diverse and effective army.
  2. Try out the sandbox mode: In the sandbox mode, you can create your own custom battles and experiment with different units and weapons. This is a great way to test out new strategies and see how different units interact with each other.
  3. Use terrain to your advantage: The terrain on the battlefield can have a big impact on the outcome of the battle. Try placing your units in strategic locations, such as on high ground or behind cover, to gain an advantage over your opponent.
  4. Don’t forget about ranged units: Archers and other ranged units can be very effective at taking down enemy units from a distance. Make sure to include some ranged units in your army to keep your opponent at bay.
  5. Watch the physics: TABS is a physics-based game, so the movement and behavior of the units can be unpredictable. Keep an eye on the physics and use them to your advantage. For example, you can use the momentum of charging units to knock over your opponent’s units.
  6. Use the zoom function: The zoom function can be very helpful for getting a closer look at the units and their movements. Use it to keep track of the battle and make more informed decisions.
  7. Keep trying: TABS can be a challenging game, especially in the later levels of the campaign mode. Don’t get discouraged if you lose a battle. Try again with a different strategy or unit combination and see if you can come out on top.


Game Modes: TABS has two main game modes – campaign and sandbox. The campaign mode features a series of progressively challenging battles, while the sandbox mode allows you to create your own custom battles and experiment with different unit combinations.

Units: There are a variety of different units available in TABS, including melee units, ranged units, cavalry, and even some special units like cannons and chariots. Each unit has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and it’s up to you to figure out the best way to use them.

Levels: The campaign mode of TABS features a series of levels, each with its own unique terrain and challenges. As you progress through the campaign, the battles become progressively more difficult, requiring you to use more advanced strategies and unit combinations.

Physics-Based Gameplay: TABS is a physics-based game, which means that the movement and behavior of the units are governed by realistic physics simulations. This adds an element of unpredictability to the game and can lead to some hilarious moments as units collide and tumble around the battlefield.

Power-Ups: There are no traditional power-ups in TABS, but there are some special units like the super boxer and dark peasant that can turn the tide of battle in your favor if used correctly.

Multiplayer: While TABS doesn’t have an online multiplayer mode, it does have a local multiplayer mode where you can battle against a friend on the same computer. This can be a great way to challenge yourself and test out new strategies.

Modding Support: One of the best things about TABS is its modding support. There are a ton of user-created mods available that add new units, maps, and gameplay mechanics to the game. This adds a ton of replayability to the game and allows you to customize your experience to your liking.


In conclusion, Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is a fun and entertaining game that offers a unique blend of strategy and physics-based gameplay. With its variety of units, levels, and game modes, as well as modding support, there’s always something new to discover and experiment with in this game. Whether you’re a seasoned strategy game veteran or just looking for a good laugh, TABS is definitely worth checking out. So what are you waiting for? Grab your army, head to the battlefield, and see if you have what it takes to emerge victorious in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator.

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